Community Spotlight: Jordan Brett

Brett was nominated for an Anchor Spotlight by folks at Steel & Oak

Jordan Brett, left, poses with Jen Arbo at the inaugural Steel & Oak Beer Run. The May 2023 event raised more than $2,000 for KidSportNW. Supplied.

If you’ve ever had a chance to hang out at Steel & Oak, you’ve probably seen this familiar face around the place.

What’s more, he’s the guy responsible for starting the Steel & Oak run club, which happens every Wednesday.

A few weeks ago, Jordan Brett was nominated by Michelle Spelay—a fellow member of the run club—for a New West Anchor Community Spotlight feature.

“[Jordan] is the absolute best. He started the run club, organized the first ever 5k, and just makes everyone feel so welcome and recognized whenever you come to the brewery,” explains Spelay, referring to the inaugural Steel & Oak Beer Run that took place in May.

Brett, who is an avid trail runner, organized the 5k event as not only a means by which to unite the community, but to also raise funds for KidSportBC’s New West chapter. The event raised upwards of $2,000 for the not-for-profit.

“I really wanted to give him a shout-out for making me and my husband—and especially my dog—feel like old friends every time we walk down for a beer,” adds Spelay.

For fellow member Lani Ng, the running club has been a great way to connect.

Lani Ng, corner left, says Brett, fourth from the left, has created opportunities for friendship via a shared interest in running. Supplied.

“The S&O run club has been a super fun inclusive crew with turnout from new and experienced runners from all over New West and Metro Vancouver. We come together to enjoy running and social time, and we show up to cheer and support each other at races and events. It's rare to have opportunities to make new friends with shared interests so having this community has been a huge gift,” she tells The Anchor.

Jorden Foss is one of the owners of Steel & Oak, and he says it’s tough to imagine the place without Brett—who he calls “JB.”

"JB is from the UK, but treats New West like he's been here his entire life. He is kind, driven, and an all around great guy that is dedicated to making our community a better place for all."

Thank you JB, for all you do for the community!

If you know someone like Brett who is deserving of a Community Spotlight showcase, reach out to us at [email protected].

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