Help the New West Public Library find a couple of kids

The catch? The kids were kids going to school in New West in the 1970s

Left: three stick figures that appear to have been drawn by Danny, who wrote the letter in March of 1975. Right: the letter tucked away into a book returned to the library. New Westminster Public Library.

Did you attend Lord Tweedsmuir Elementary in the 1970s? Is your name Marc or Danny, or did you grow up with a couple of kids named Marc and Danny?

You may be able to help the New Westminster Public Library (NWPL) move onto the next chapter of a story they’re looking to finish writing—and it’s a story that involves their books.

In a post over Instagram the NWPL says it had been going through its archives when it found a letter dated March 17, 1975.

“Dear Librarian,” it begins, “I hope [everyone] is fine now. I have your books. Mark [was walking] home and some kids [stole] his books. Yours [truly], Danny.”

The letter was accompanied by a drawing of three stick figures that appear to portray the scene Danny says played out.

The books eventually made it back to the NWPL where the letter was eventually discovered—the letter was then entered into its archives.

The library is hoping that by sharing this letter and the illustration, it might be able to meet the author.

There also happens to be a present-day tie to this mystery: the NWPL took the time to remind folks there is still time for youngsters to join the Summer Reading Club, and that this year’s theme is “Journey Through Time.”

If you know a child interested in signing up, make sure they check out this page.

And if you happen to know Marc or Danny, it might be worth dropping the library a line at [email protected].

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