New West Anchor presents: mayoral speed dating

Meet your mayoral candidates on Tues., Oct. 4

Consider it a case of speed dating—but for municipal politics.

Local publication New West Anchor is hosting its first event—a mayoral speed dating event—on Tues. Oct. 4. It'll be taking place at The Terminal Pub, which re-opened its doors earlier this year. Community First's Patrick Johnstone, the New West Progressives' Ken Armstrong, and Independent Chuck Puchmayr will all be in attendance.  

"I'm extremely excited to help bring one of New West Anchor's first big events to our city," explains Ria Renouf, managing editor. "We're looking forward to meeting more of our readers in-person while providing a space for them to get to know the people who are running for mayor, council, and school board."

Doors will open at 6:30pm, and registered attendees will have 2 1/2 minutes with each mayoral candidate. 

"We wanted to utilize a format that would really allow locals to sit down with the people who are vying for their votes. It's one thing for candidates to stand on a stage and respond traditionally, but it's another to be guaranteed face time with someone who will have a major impact on city-related decisions, and on decisions made on our behalf in other levels of government."

If you'd like to attend, you'll need to email [email protected], and provide the first and last names of each attendee.

New West Anchor was established in May 2022 by managing editor and award-winning news anchor and journalist Ria Renouf. The publication is a twice-weekly newsletter delivered to locals every Tuesday and Thursday. New West Anchor's staff include award-winning reporter Dustin Godfrey—who also writes for sister publication Burnaby Beacon—and Eva Costantino.