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  • Six Nations Chiefs take 3-0 lead in Mann Cup championships

Six Nations Chiefs take 3-0 lead in Mann Cup championships

Six Nations was able to widen the gap against the Bellies in the first period on Monday night

People at 5pm on Monday, Sept. 11, waiting to get into Queen’s Park for Game 3 of the Bellies-Six Nations Mann Cup. Ria Renouf.

It was another evening of good spirits and high energy as folks headed to Queen’s Park Arena—some quite early—in anticipation of Game 3 getting underway at 7:30pm on Monday night.

With just about a minute and change already on the clock, Six Nations opened the scoring. By the end of 20 minutes, the Bellies were only able to get one in the net; the score at 5-1.

The second period appeared to see a bit of a shift in the Bellies’ favour, as New West put an additional three goals on the board. Unfortunately, with about six minutes left to go in the period, defenceman Mike Messenger of the Bellies left the game.

Moments later, New West found the back of the net, but that one point gap became two again as Six Nations scored on a power play. In a moment of deja vu, the second period ended in a 7-7 tie, which was what had happened in the last game.

Much of the scoring in the third period happened near the closing minutes of the game: Six Nations put another goal on the board to bring things to 8-7, and not long after a goal appeared to go in for the Bellies—which officials waved off. Despite having the player advantage for much of the last few minutes, and even pulling the goalie from the net, the Chiefs were able to stave off the Bellies to take the third game.

We will find out on Tuesday at 7:30pm if the Bellies can push this to go to extra games, or if Six Nations will take the cup in a sweep.

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