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  • How New West can help you show a little love this Valentine's Day

How New West can help you show a little love this Valentine's Day

Whether you're treating your loved ones or yourself, there's no shortage of things to do locally

How do you like to treat yourself and others? Above: Valentine’s Day heart cake by Trove Desserts, from its Valentine’s Day collection/trovedesserts.com

I’m not a fan of Valentine’s Day in the traditional sense: dropping money on jewelry or flowers (fine, those things are nice, but they’re not my style), but I have become a fan of Valentine’s Day as a way to remind ourselves how awesome we are.

Last week I had a friend who threw a “Galentine’s Day” party, and it was refreshing to have people to share food and chat with. Sometimes we lose sight of ourselves as we’re working hard and living our lives, and those moments of laughter and jokes can be some of the best care you give yourself—and others. I felt great after this close-knit event; it really was a form of self-care I didn’t realize I’d needed.

That got me thinking: what are the ways we can show a little love for one another without grand gestures? What about self-care, outside of the bubble baths and the wine? And how can our home city help us do just that?

I’ve put together this piece in the hopes of exploring that, and through the use of a couple of categories: showing love for your family and friends, showing love for the community, and showing love for yourself.

These are just some of my ideas—and I’m always happy to hear yours! If you’ve got one you’d like to share with New Westies, drop us a line: [email protected].

Showing love for family and friends

There are a lot of opportunities to show love for your family and friends by going local: while we talked to Trove Desserts over the winter, the local duo has been gearing up to offer sweet treats for Valentine’s Day.

They’re not the only locals in the sweet business, either: if you’d rather keep things OG and give the gift of chocolate, there are a lot of local options—take a look at what you can get at places like Origins Chocolate Bar, Take THE Cake, and Candy Alley.

If you’d rather have someone else do the cooking for you on Valentine’s Day, that shouldn’t be an issue: whether it’s booking dinner at a restaurant, or indulging in delectable desserts, there aren’t any shortage of options here, either. Remember: you may have to call ahead to place an order. (Think Take THE Cake or Pamola Bakery, which offer whole cakes for you to take home and enjoy.)

Showing love for your community

There are a number of not-for-profit initiatives in our community that could use a little TLC, and with the newer months of the year typically seeing a downturn in donations, it may be worth keeping some great local causes in mind.

Don’t let the Greater Vancouver part throw you for a loop: the society serves various communities in the region, but is based in New Westminster. Its goal is to help women, girls, and children at risk, especially those who are affected by the justice system.

The group is always looking for donations and have provided everything from baby care kits for new moms in need, to new toys, boots, and raincoats for kids—and that’s just some of what it does.

If you’d like to help, you can learn more about how to do so here.

Heba Saada, program manager and an early childhood educator with New West Family Place, hands a bowl of lentil soup to executive director Dana Osiowy during a weekly soup day. / Dustin Godfrey, New West Anchor

Heba Saada, program manager and an early childhood educator with New West Family Place, hands a bowl of lentil soup to executive director Dana Osiowy during a weekly soup day. / Dustin Godfrey, New West Anchor

It’s the space where all families are welcome, and this not-for-profit’s goal is to provide services and supports for those who need a helping hand: whether it’s newcomers to Canada or families experiencing isolation.

The group has been around since 1989 and is always happy to take donations. Be sure to take a look at the group’s website if you’re interested in lending a helping hand.

Union Gospel Mission (UGM) helps those who are experiencing homelessness and has shared countless stories that have seen the lives of others changed. While you can make a financial donation, there are other ways to help: whether it’s volunteering your time, or donating items or goods, the possibilities are endless.

You can learn more about how to help by visiting this page.

Food ready for distribution in the community/Don’t Go Hungry: A Food Program

The epitome of a grassroots movement, Don’t Go Hungry hands out free grocery hampers every Saturday at four different locations; said hampers include everything from dry goods, to meat, dairy, and breads. Between New West and Burnaby, it hands out hundreds of hampers every weekend.

Whether it’s financially or through the gift of time, Don’t Go Hungry is always grateful for local support, and you can learn more about how to help here.

Showing love for yourself

It can be tough to find time to take a break, but there are fortunately many places locally to give yourself a breather.

We’re kind of a big deal when it comes to local walks: if you’re looking to get away from all the hubbub of your busy day, why not give ‘These Beats Were Made for Walking’ a try? The project, which was first established in 2020, gets you walking while you listen to soundscapes recorded by Michael.

Anchor readers have a pretty good sense of where to go to find some peace and quiet: they’ve actually shared some pretty unique spots with us in the past.

If you want some reflective time away from the world, might we suggest the art gallery on the second floor of the New West Public Library’s main branch, or the New Media Gallery? The latter recently launched aBIOTIC this past Saturday, which is on now until April 23.